Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Product Solutions
Nitrogen Source
Nitrogen Application
Nitrogen Protection
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For many growers, the arrival of warm weather means the start of a very busy season. Between planning, planting and nitrogen application, time management suddenly becomes a vital factor to your success in the field.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, General Product Information
You might not be able to control what you aren’t expecting, but you are capable of minimizing nitrogen loss. When your applied nitrogen is affected by ammonia volatilization, your return on investment decreases.
Article Categories: Nitrogen Loss, US, Video Player Icon VIDEO, CANADA, Global
Because variables such as weather and soil type can all contribute to the loss of nitrogen, the process of keeping it available to nourish crops becomes complicated quickly.
Article Categories: Nitrogen Loss, US, Video Player Icon VIDEO, CANADA, Global
Nitrogen volatilization can occur in all weather conditions, including both warm and cold temperatures. But no matter how or when fertilizer is applied, without a stabilizer, it’s vulnerable to loss.
Article Categories: CANADA, Nitrogen Loss, US, Video Player Icon VIDEO, Global
If you are applying UAN or anhydrous ammonia — spring, fall or split applications alike — all nitrogen sources are subject to leaching after being nitrified to the nitrate form.
Article Categories: CANADA, Nitrogen Loss, US, Video Player Icon VIDEO, Global
Whether you apply fall anhydrous ammonia or spring UAN, all nitrogen sources are subject to denitrification after being nitrified to the nitrate form.
Article Categories: Nitrogen Loss, US, Video Player Icon VIDEO, CANADA, Global
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With the recent trends of fertilizer and grain pricing, growers making spring nitrogen plans may choose to change their nitrogen needs and look at other inputs such as nitrogen stabilizers to optimize their overall profitability.
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Some people who work in agriculture grow up on farms. They help with harvest and ride in tractor cabs before learning to ride a bike. But others take a different path into the industry.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, CANADA, US, Meet the Team
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) will break down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Crop science experts and others in the agriculture industry will discuss topics ranging from nitrogen loss and soil health to ways growers can increase operational efficiencies.
Article Categories: Nitrogen Loss, Field Notes, US, CANADA, Podcast
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There are several misconceptions when it comes to UAN, including that it is not subject to nitrogen loss via volatilization, with many believing the water content found in UAN is enough to protect it from above-ground losses. We’re here to dispel this myth and help growers make the most of their UAN investment.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Debunk the Myth, CANADA
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Rarely does Mother Nature give growers perfect weather conditions for their crops. Over the last several years, growers have dealt with weather conditions ranging from intense downfalls to warm, dry wind.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Weather
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