Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
In a recent study published by Agronomy Journal, a team from the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center at Vernon compared the effects of two enhanced efficiency fertilizer technologies, SUPERU fertilizer and a polymer-coated urea (PCU), against untreated urea at different application rates, timing and two soil types on dryland winter wheat. Results found SUPERU has the potential to improve wheat grain yield and protein concentration relative to untreated urea.
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Growers should soon be planning their winter top-dress applications. While crop progress and weather conditions vary, the 4Rs of fertilizer application pertain across the wheat belt.
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Nitrogen volatilization can occur in all weather conditions, including both warm and cold temperatures. But no matter how or when fertilizer is applied, without a stabilizer, it’s vulnerable to loss.
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As fall approaches, many growers across the Great Plains will be taking to the field to start late summer and early fall nitrogen applications on wheat acres.
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For many growers, the arrival of warm weather means the start of a very busy season. Between planning, planting and nitrogen application, time management suddenly becomes a vital factor to your success in the field.
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Boron is the second most widely used micronutrient in the industry and if a crop experiences a boron deficiency, it can have a direct impact on yield potential. Between its behavior in the soil and crop.
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When it comes to being a farmer, it is no secret that unpredictability and challenges are a way of life. In fact, most of a farmer’s attention will typically be directed toward applying inputs, controlling pests and weeds, and attempting to analyze weather forecasts.
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Transient Deficiency: A short-term deficiency with potential long-term impacts. A simple way to explain what could quickly become an issue a crop may face each season.
Growers looking to provide the critical nutrition needed for early crop establishment can now turn to PROTIVATE️ nutritional seed enhancer. With proprietary blends of nutrients applied directly to the seed, PROTIVATE is tailored to maximize emergence and resilience for a variety of crops.
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Let’s set the scene. Harvest has wrapped up. You’ve met your yield goals and you’ve started marketing your grain. You evaluate the crop's performance and the state of your fields. Before you know it, with the previous crop in mind, it’s time to shift gears to the next crop, moving to understand how the nutrients removed in the harvest portion of the crop align with your current and future fertilizer program.
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The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less.