Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
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Each year, you put a lot of thought into your operation. Preparing your fields, planning what seed to plant and cultivating your crops with the hopes of getting the most yield potential. But dry conditions during the growing season can put a crimp in those plans.
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With the recent trends of fertilizer and grain pricing, growers making spring nitrogen plans may choose to change their nitrogen needs and look at other inputs such as nitrogen stabilizers to optimize their overall profitability.
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For more than a decade, Justin Speth has worked in agriculture retail. He’s been hands-on with products since he started his career. During much of that time, he has faced challenges with the nitrogen stabilizer products he was using on anhydrous ammonia and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN).
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Many growers across the U.S. haven’t turned a wheel this spring. Spring rains, and in certain parts of the country cold conditions with snowfall and cool soils, have delayed field work this season.