Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Product Solutions
Nitrogen Source
Nitrogen Application
Nitrogen Protection
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From watching a seed transform into a crop awaiting harvest to the curiosity on how a combine separates a seed from a plant, agriculture has a way of instilling a sense of awe and pride in most who grew up living it. At least, this is the case for product service advisor, Chris Buckentin.
Article Categories: Meet the Team
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less.
Article Categories: Input Costs, Podcast
When it comes to input costs, every grower knows that each year will be unique. Between weather, seed, machinery, crop inputs and labor costs, commodity pricing and so much more, growers know they can expect only one thing—the unexpected.
Article Categories: Input Costs
Growers have to make many decisions that can have positive and negative consequences for their crops. What seed hybrid should they plant? When should they irrigate? What pests do they need to spray for this year? But one decision that could have the greatest effect on a grower’s bottom line: skimping or skipping the use of a nitrogen stabilizer to protect their input investment.
Article Categories: Input Costs, Value of Stabilizers
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less.
Article Categories: Field Notes, Nutrient Management
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Growers are looking for options to save money. Some may consider reducing costs by not protecting their applied nitrogen, but the numbers won’t add up the way they think they will.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, Nitrogen Loss
You know that the plant uptake of key nutrients can make or break your crop’s yield potential. Without essential nutrient availability at the root zone, your crop will not reach optimal growth and you could miss out on the payout at harvest. But do you know the critical factors that can impact plant growth?
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less.
Article Categories: Field Notes, Nitrogen Loss
It’s a scenario all growers face during planting season. You’ve seen how last year’s crop performed and strategized on how to better meet next year’s goals. To give your crops the best foot forward from the moment the seed goes in the ground, it’s crucial to consider the nutrients that are needed for early growth.
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less.
Article Categories: Field Notes
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Experiencing failure can be discouraging for many, but for Ahmed Iman, failing is just one step closer to succeeding and a lesson learned.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG
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The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, Field Notes, US
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