Dealing with unknowns is nothing new in the world of agriculture. Rainfall levels, soil conditions, unforeseen maintenance costs — the list goes on and on. Local, national and international events are also capable of throwing a wrench in even the most well-run operation. The best growers don’t just understand this fact, they accept it and adapt their strategies to deal with whatever comes their way.
In a 2019 cotton study, urea treated with ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer and SUPERU premium fertilizer, applied at varying nitrogen rates, consistently outperformed untreated urea resulting in greater cotton lint yields.
With corn being planted across the Midwest, spring top-dress applications should be top-of-mind for many growers. Typical top-dress applications are applied using white urea, with this though you may be setting yourself up for increased losses to ammonia volatilization, leaching and denitrification. Better protect your nitrogen investment with SUPERU premium fertilizer.
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) will break down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Crop science experts and others in the agriculture industry will discuss topics ranging from nitrogen loss and soil health to ways growers can increase operational efficiencies.
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) will break down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Crop science experts and others in the agriculture industry will discuss topics ranging from nitrogen loss and soil health to ways growers can increase operational efficiencies.
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) will break down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Crop science experts and others in the agriculture industry will discuss topics ranging from nitrogen loss and soil health to ways growers can increase operational efficiencies.
To better understand why plants need nitrogen to grow, it’s important to know what the element does and why the nitrogen cycle is a necessary part of all living matter.
Nitrogen volatilization can occur in all weather conditions, including both warm and cold temperatures. But no matter how or when fertilizer is applied, without a stabilizer, it’s vulnerable to loss.
Article Categories: BLOG, US, Weather
We know that nitrogen is an important element. It makes up 78% of our atmosphere and is a key component in plant growth. But how do plants utilize this key nutrient? What role does nitrogen play as a crop nutrient? How do the three types of nitrogen loss differ?
SUPERU premium fertilizer has proven effective for growers all across the country. With its ability to guard against both above- and below-ground nitrogen loss, it has earned a reputation for being a must-have fertilizer. But it’s not just farmers who are tapping into the power of SUPERU.
Article Categories: BLOG, US, Pasture, Forage
2019 was a record-breaking year in more ways than one – devastating floods plagued most of the Midwest, preventing many growers from planting spring crops on more than 19.4 million acres according to the USDA.
With unprecedented rainfall in the 2019 spring, many growers across the country faced the challenge of nitrogen loss due to leaching and denitrification. Learn how SUPERU helped beat the odds.
Article Categories: BLOG, US, Weather