In recent conversations in the agriculture industry throughout Canada, reducing nitrous oxide emissions associated with fertilizer use has become a hot topic after the Canadian Government announced a goal of reducing nitrous oxide emissions by 30% by 2030.
Article Categories: CANADA, BLOG, Nitrogen Loss
As many growers know, one of the key elements to having a successful crop, is the application of nitrogen in the field.
When it comes to the agriculture industry, planning ahead and dealing with the unknowns are a way of life. From rainfall, soil conditions, weather forecasts, maintenance and more, even the most efficient operations must be prepared for whatever gets thrown at them.
Article Categories: CANADA, BLOG, Nitrogen Loss
Despite having a critical role in crop production, phosphorus is one of the most widely deficient nutrient in soils.
Article Categories: CANADA, BLOG
While many uncertainties are top of mind for growers, weather always seems to remain one of the primary areas of concern as with the arrival of spring comes less than ideal soil conditions—cool, dry or extremely wet.
Article Categories: CANADA, Nitrogen Loss
Article Tags: Above and Below Ground, Above Ground, AGROTAIN, ANVOL, Below Ground, Canola, Denitrification, Nitrogen Loss Solutions, Preventing Nitrogen Loss, Top Dress, TRIBUNE, UAN
As a phosphate-solubilizing plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) product, SYNTHOS nutrient enhancer is designed to convert phosphate-based fertilizer into readily available forms for uptake and use in a variety of crops—making it a must-have for any operation facing phosphorus management challenges.
Article Categories: CANADA, BLOG
It’s no secret: the unpredictability of input costs has growers searching for more opportunities to cut spending—including on nitrogen stabilizers.
Article Categories: CANADA, BLOG
Article Tags: AGROTAIN, Above and Below Ground, ANVOL, Preventing Nitrogen Loss, SUPERU, Understanding Nitrogen Loss, Urea, UAN, Spring, Split Application, Surface, Broadcast, Dribbled, Above Ground, Below Ground, Urease Inhibitors, Ammonia Volatilization, Canola
We know the value fall nitrogen applications can offer a grower. Between alleviating some of the workload pressure and helping ensure a timely planting in the spring, fall applications operationally make sense for a grower.
Article Categories: BLOG, CANADA
Spring will be here before you know it and soon it will be time to be out in the fields once again. And if you’re a western Canadian grower applying anhydrous ammonia, timing is everything since spring weather can be somewhat unpredictable.
Article Categories: BLOG, CANADA
To produce higher yields, growers need to be resourceful. And as you look for sustainable options to best manage nutrients, preventing nitrogen loss is a top concern. To do that, you have to understand the three types of nitrogen loss and the tools you have to prevent it.
As the world’s population increases, one of the critical concerns of food production is the shrinking number of farming acres.
Article Tags: Above and Below Ground, Above Ground, Below Ground, Urease Inhibitors, Ammonia Volatilization, Nitrification Inhibitors, Nitrate Leaching, Denitrification, Preventing Nitrogen Loss, Urea, UAN, Anhydrous Ammonia
Each year, new agronomic solutions are introduced for growers to consider using to help them better their operation. The best of those allow growers to use fewer resources, potentially saving them money in the long run and promoting a more sustainable future.
Article Categories: BLOG, Nitrogen Loss, US, CANADA
Article Tags: CENTURO, SUPERU, ANVOL, AGROTAIN, Urea, UAN, Anhydrous Ammonia, Above and Below Ground, Above Ground, Below Ground, Urease Inhibitors, Ammonia Volatilization, Nitrification Inhibitors, Nitrate Leaching, Denitrification, Nitrogen Loss Solutions, Nitrogen Stabilizers