Fall fertilizer applications can be viewed as an opportunity as growers seek to enhance the efficiency of their operations.
Growers have a lot of choices when it comes to choosing a dual inhibitor. It’s important to avoid quick fixes and “too good to be true” solutions. This includes buying into dual inhibitor products that promote effective above and below ground protection when the parts per million (ppm) of active ingredients are not agronomically effective.
Article Categories: BLOG, CANADA
You’ve been thinking about the next crop and wondering what to prepare for. Will it be a wet or dry spring, or will a late snow prevent you from getting out into the fields exactly when you’d planned? No matter the situation, pre-plant planning is as important as putting the seeds in the soil.
One of the most vital nutrients for crop growth and root development is phosphorus, yet despite its importance, the nutrient is commonly found to be at critically low levels throughout Canadian soils.
Article Categories: CANADA, BLOG
Spring weather can impact soil conditions. From early season moisture to unseasonably cool soil temperature, many issues can affect nutrient availability for crops at planting time. These types of early season challenges can lead to the loss of nitrogen, a critical macronutrient.
It’s a scenario all growers face during planting season. You’ve seen how last year’s crop performed and strategized on how to better meet next year’s goals. To give your crops the best foot forward from the moment the seed goes in the ground, it’s crucial to consider the nutrients that are needed for early growth.
Article Categories: CANADA
Zinc was one of the first micronutrients recognized as an essential nutrient vital for plants. This nutrient is needed throughout the growing season for crops to reach their full potential.
Article Categories: CANADA, BLOG
When it comes to being a farmer, it is no secret that unpredictability and challenges are a way of life. In fact, most of a farmer’s attention will typically be directed toward applying inputs, controlling pests and weeds, and attempting to analyze weather forecasts.
Article Categories: CANADA
Critical to the growth and health of all crops, boron is one of the most important micronutrients for crop production and maximizing yield potential.
Article Categories: CANADA
As a grower, you take pride in making well thought-out decisions that best benefit your operation. While making these decisions, you may have questions on how to get the most efficiency out of your inputs, including your fertilizer.
Article Categories: CANADA
Despite volatilization and denitrification being the two primary forms of nitrogen loss in Canadian soils, leaching is a third form that, while less common, can be just as detrimental to crops—especially if you are applying UAN or anhydrous ammonia.
Article Categories: BLOG, CANADA, Nitrogen Loss
As a grower, you may not be able to control what you aren’t expecting, but you are capable of protecting your nitrogen investment from denitrification losses.
Article Categories: BLOG, CANADA, Nitrogen Loss