This risk could impact the applied nitrogen fertilizer availability to the crop as it could be susceptible to losses from volatilization and denitrification.
With a few considerations, timely precipitation, and recognizing the factors that influence performance, top-dressed nitrogen can effectively boost yields and produce attractive economic benefits.
To start, the vital factors that will help set your crops up for success while applying your nitrogen are:
Application Timing:
- Spring wheat: Application should occur at or before the stage where the first node is visible.
- Canola: From emergence at or before six-leaf stage.
Timely rainfall is the most critical factor. Top-dressed nitrogen, regardless of the nitrogen product used, will only become effective once it is moved into the root zone. Either rainfall incorporation or irrigation of more than .5 inch is required.
While these factors play an important role in the success of your top-dresses nitrogen, they can be nearly impossible to predict and likely remain at the mercy of weather forecasts. Despite top-dressed nitrogen being prone to significant losses, there are measures growers can take to protect their investment. Utilizing a nitrogen stabilizer with proven effectiveness, such as ANVOL®, AGROTAIN®, or TRIBUNE®, can help growers combat these losses.
Minimize Volatilization and Denitrification Losses With a Nitrogen Stabilizer
ANVOL: Driven by Duromide technology, ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer extends the protection of your nitrogen investment so more of your applied nitrogen is available for crop uptake, and less is lost to ammonia volatilization.
AGROTAIN: AGROTAIN Advanced 1.0 is an innovative, patented liquid formulation with optimized cold-weather handling properties. As the original, most research-proven urease inhibitor technology on the market, AGROTAIN is one growers can trust to protect their nitrogen
TRIBUNE:Containing both a urease and nitrification inhibitor, TRIBUNE nitrogen stabilizer guards against volatilization, denitrification and leaching. Dual active ingredients NBPT and Pronitridine come together to protect your UAN in a nonvolatile, true-liquid formulation.
Protect your UAN investment and learn how these products can fit into your spring nitrogen management plan. Contact your KAS sales representative today.