Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Setting Your Crop Up for Success in a Delayed Spring
Many growers across the U.S. haven’t turned a wheel this spring. Spring rains, and in certain parts of the country cold conditions with snowfall and cool soils, have delayed field work this season.

As of May 1st, 2022 only 14% of corn had been planted, which is considerably lower than the 33% national five-year average. While many may be itching to get into the field, it’s important that when the busyness of spring planting begins, there is a plan in place to support crops in delayed planting conditions, starting with nutrients. 

The Impact of Delayed Planting & Wet or Cool Weather 

A 22-site year study on corn conducted by the University of Illinois showed corn yield was maximized when planted in mid-April to early May. Planting on May 10 reduced yield by 5% and yield decreased by almost 0.5% for every day planting was delayed beyond May 10 (through May 30)1

We understand that in the rush to get a crop into the ground, nitrogen applications may be deferred to later in the season as side or top-dress applications. The timing of these applications creates a unique situation growers need to think through as well. 

Applying nitrogen later in the season can equate to warmer temperatures which can lend to volatilization losses. Combine this with the poorly drained or waterlogged soils, these two factors can create a favorable environment for denitrification losses as well. 

In addition, in areas that have seen spring snowfall and cold temperatures, cold, wet and compacted soils may be a concern. We know these conditions can restrict root access to nutrients that young crops need for early season growth and crops can be at-risk if unable to secure what they need early on.

How to Combat Delayed Spring Challenges

Nitrogen Management
Time is of the essence when it comes to spring and is at a premium when weather delays planting. So, what can growers do to overcome the challenges of delayed planting and the increased risk for volatilization and denitrification losses?
Spilt applications should be considered for a nitrogen program. 

  • Apply half or more of nitrogen for the season efficiently at planting. This can include ANVOL®-treated broadcast urea or UAN. The UAN could also be used with burndown or pre-emergent herbicide applications. 
  • After planting, come back early with the remaining nitrogen needed with a post-plant top-dress, Y-drop dribble-banded ANVOL-treated UAN or injected CENTURO®-treated UAN.  

Koch Agronomic Solutions (KAS) products are backed by research and proven by third-party studies. See ANVOL and CENTURO in action. 

ANVOL yield benefit in UAN corn in Nebraska

A 2020 Nebraska study showed UAN treated with ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer resulted in higher corn yields compared to untreated UAN at all three nitrogen rates (60, 120 and 180 lbs N/ac).2 Featuring the patented active ingredient Duromide, ANVOL delivers the longest-lasting urease inhibitor protection compared to NBPT alone, over a wider range of soil environments.


Crop Emergence in Cooler Conditions

As mentioned above, if you’ve experienced cold, wet weather this spring, conditions may be tough for young crops to overcome during plant establishment. This is where PROTIVATE™️ seed applied nutritional comes in. PROTIVATE is a line of planter box solutions that offer a highly concentrated nutrient source for young crops and provides nutrients needed for crop establishment where and when a crop needs it most – right at the root zone. 

Don’t leave one more thing to chance this season – give your crop the best foot forward no matter what is thrown its way. Contact your KAS representative or visit your local retailer to learn more and how we can help you make the spring season a successful one.

1, Planting date for corn and soybeans in Illinois, Emerson Nafziger, March 23, 2017.
2The underlying data was provided by Real Farm Research 3Alpha Ag Research, Real Farm Research and Tidewater Agronomics under Research Trial Financial Support Agreements with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither the universities, institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in yield and nutrient use efficiency may not be observed in all cases. 
CENTURO is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Results may vary based on a number of factors, including environmental conditions. Improvements in nutrient use efficiency, yield and nitrate leaching may not be observed in all cases.  

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If you’ve been around agriculture for more than a few days, then you know weather can be a fickle friend and this year may be setting up to be no different.