Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Saving Time. Stabilizing Nitrogen.
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For many growers, the arrival of warm weather means the start of a very busy season. Between planning, planting and nitrogen application, time management suddenly becomes a vital factor to your success in the field.

Regardless of whether you’re focusing on corn, wheat or rice, it’s always a lot to juggle. But growers and agronomists are discovering that with the right combination of smart strategy and the use of an effective nitrogen stabilizer, it’s possible to make the most of every valuable minute while overcoming unpredictable circumstances like weather and soil conditions.

Turning Efficiency Into Results

Nitrogen stabilizers are proven to minimize nitrogen loss and increase nitrogen use efficiency. For many years, growers relied on AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizer from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) along with its active ingredient NBPT, to assist with this critical process. Now, many of those same growers are turning to a product from Koch to give their nitrogen more protection and more flexibility. 

That product is ANVOL®: a nitrogen stabilizer with the strength to boost your overall efficiency and maximize your yield potential. ANVOL gives operations the power to protect against volatilization while also allowing them to get more for their fertilizer dollar. And with a high active-ingredient concentration, growers can decrease labor demand by taking advantage of its low application rate.

With ANVOL, protecting nitrogen and increasing your efficiency go hand-in-hand. Dan Durst, Manager at Premier Cooperative in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, explains it best. “When you’re really challenged with time, the lower use rate with ANVOL allows us to move the product around faster and get it into our spreading equipment. In addition to that, we’re using less volume and less product going out on that urea. It dries faster and helps out with less handling.”

A Yield Advantage You Can’t Ignore

A 2020 Nebraska study showed UAN treated with ANVOL resulted in higher corn yields compared to untreated UAN at all three nitrogen rates (60, 120 and 180 lbs N/ac).1

ANVOL yield benefit in UAN corn in Nebraska

As more research becomes available, the power of ANVOL is made increasingly evident. Applying a proper stabilizer prevents the loss of nitrogen to the environment by keeping it where it’s needed most, giving growers more potential to deliver higher yields.

What Makes ANVOL Different From AGROTAIN? 

The difference is Duromide — the Koch-patented active ingredient that works in tandem with NBPT. Whereas AGROTAIN features NBPT alone, ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer has taken protection to a whole new level by giving both growers and retailers a dual active-ingredient advantage. NBPT blocks the hydrolysis of urea as soon as it’s applied, while Duromide provides efficacy beyond the window of protection offered by NBPT alone — allowing fertilizer more time to incorporate in a wider range of soil environments. 

Work Smarter — Not Harder.
When time is of the essence, a smart strategy for success is to be as efficient in the field as possible. Applying ANVOL stabilizer is a proven way to reduce labor, minimize nitrogen loss and get more out of your fields. Ask your local retailer how you can benefit from the dual active ingredients of ANVOL or get started today by speaking with a Koch sales representative

1The underlying data was provided by Real Farm Research under a Research Trial Financial Support Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither these institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in yield and nutrient use efficiency may not be observed in all cases.

Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, General Product Information
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