Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Research Report: Cotton Yield Increases with Nitrogen Stabilizers
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Nutrient Management , Research
Article Tags: ANVOL, Urea, SUPERU, Cotton, Spring
In a 2019 cotton study, urea treated with ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer and SUPERU premium fertilizer, applied at varying nitrogen rates, consistently outperformed untreated urea resulting in greater cotton lint yields.

As one of the most critical nutrients in cotton production, effectively managing nitrogen is advantageous to a grower’s bottom line. Without adequate nitrogen for a cotton crop, the number of fruiting sites can be reduced, ultimately impacting yield potential. Conversely, applying nitrogen at rates that are too high can promote rank vegetative growth, decrease boil retention, delay maturity, and promote disease and insect attack. Utilizing an enhanced efficiency fertilizer such as ANVOL® nitrogen stabilizer and SUPERU® premium fertilizer can help manage the intricate balance of nitrogen in cotton, ensuring enough nitrogen is available for when the crop demand is high during squaring and boil formation.


Cotton Lint Yield

The Results

ANVOL Nitrogen Stabilizer

ANVOL, a urease inhibitor, with the active ingredient Duromide, delivers the longest-lasting ammonia volatilization protection over a wider range of soil environments. In this study, ANVOL, applied at a rate of 1.5 qt/ton, increased yield outperforming untreated urea, indicative that ammonia volatilization losses occurred, which was likely a detriment to crop yield for untreated urea.

SUPERU Nitrogen Stabilizer

SUPERU is a finished fertilizer product that has both a urease and nitrification inhibitor uniformly integrated throughout every granule, protecting against volatilization, leaching and denitrification. In the study, the use of a urease inhibitor, such as ANVOL, protected against volatilization losses, increasing yield over untreated urea, but when there is a risk of leaching or denitrification losses, the nitrification inhibitor found in SUPERU can provide additional incremental yield.  

In-Season Efficiencies

Although split applications are often recommended, properly timed single applications of stabilized nitrogen can reduce the number of trips across the field and ensures adequate nitrogen during periods of high nitrogen demand from the crop, saving a grower time and money. 

To learn more about nitrogen management in cotton, or how a Koch Agronomic Services solutions can fit into your nitrogen management plan, contact a representative today

  • Application Timing: June 14
  • Soil Type: Tifton sand
  • Soil pH: 6.3
  • Bars with the same letter are not significantly different at
  • The underlying data was provided by Southeast Ag Research Center under a Research Trial Support Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC and neither these institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service.

Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Nutrient Management , Research
Article Tags: ANVOL, Urea, SUPERU, Cotton, Spring
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