Because there are so many considerations to keep in mind when growing crops, it’s important to focus on those variables that you can control. One strategy to defend against unexpected obstacles may be to improve soil health by increasing soil organic matter. Another tactic: protecting your nitrogen losses due to volatilization, leaching and denitrification.
You might not be able to control what you aren’t expecting, but you are capable of mitigating nutrient loss. When your nitrogen is affected by ammonia volatilization, your return on investment decreases. Just as bad as lost nitrogen is lost time. In the event a significant amount of nitrogen is lost and an additional application of nitrogen is required, the added time and costs can negatively affect your bottom line.
Taking the necessary steps towards improving nitrogen use efficiency allows more of the nitrogen applied to be used by the plant to make grain and lets you generate a higher return on investment. That’s why it’s essential to use products designed to help keep your nitrogen available for uptake by the crop while improving your operation’s efficiency — especially when dealing with difficult or unforeseen circumstances.
Applying a nitrogen stabilizer is a great way to minimize your loss while getting the most out of your crops. Deploying a urease inhibitor like ANVOL® nitrogen stabilizer slows the conversion of urea and provides a longer window of protection against volatilization loss. This efficiency is invaluable and allows you to stretch your budget and materials further. But the benefits of ANVOL don’t stop there.
Driven by Duromide — Koch’s patented active ingredient — working alongside NBPT, ANVOL’s dual-active ingredients deliver long-lasting urease-inhibitor protection over a wider range of soil environments. The added time makes a world of difference for any grower experiencing a lack of rainfall or for those who can’t mechanically incorporate their fertilizer.
The longer duration of protection from volatilization really is a huge benefit, as it gives growers the ability to boost yield potential. A good example is with UAN, which has risk for N loss by all three mechanisms. In a 2019 Michigan study, UAN treated with ANVOL yielded 27 bu/acre more than untreated UAN. When you’re looking to maximize your yield potential, ANVOL isn’t just a nitrogen stabilizer — it’s one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.
They say tough times never last, but tough people do. Koch Agronomic Services has the tools to help you overcome unexpected challenges and low profit margins. By using ANVOL, you may increase your yields by preventing the loss of nitrogen from volatilization, which gives you the power to potentially improve your return on investment of nitrogen applied to your crops. Additionally, due to its high active-ingredient concentration and lower treatment rate, less product is needed for application relative to other alternatives. With proven benefits like superior stability, consistent performance and increased longevity, the dual-active ingredients in ANVOL give growers every advantage they need to rise to the occasion.
Learn more about the long-lasting protection of this leading nitrogen stabilizer at
1The underlying data was provided by Michigan State University under a Research Trial Financial Support Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither these institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in yield and nutrient use efficiency may not be observed in all cases.
ANVOL™ and the ANVOL logo are trademarks of Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Koch and the Koch logo are trademarks of Koch Industries, Inc. © 2020 Koch Agronomic Services, LLC.