Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Protecting a Nitrogen Investment in Saturated Soils
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Weather
Record-setting rainfalls in late 2018 left many growers in the U.S., specifically the southern states and the Northeast, with saturated fields and the need for a new nitrogen game plan.

As growers begin to navigate their spring nitrogen applications, it’s important to remember that ground with full moisture profiles going into the growing season can lead to higher leaching and denitrification losses, especially if additional moisture occurs. To protect against losses via leaching and denitrification, whether that nitrogen source be anhydrous ammonia, UAN, or urea, growers should utilize a nitrification inhibitor. 

CENTURO® nitrogen stabilizer is designed to protect a grower’s anhydrous or UAN applications from leaching and denitrification losses, and a multi-state and year study showed that spring applications of anhydrous with CENTURO can benefit as much from a nitrification inhibitor as fall applications. 

CENTURO201718 Data


If timing becomes an issue as it gets closer to planting, and a grower chooses to utilize urea, solutions such as SUPERU® fertilizer is made to protect against all three forms of nitrogen loss, while providing operational efficiencies to maximize time during the season.

Help your growers draft their nitrogen game plan for the spring with KAS solutions that guard against nitrogen loss. 

The underlying data was provided by University of Nebraska, University of Missouri, and the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association under Research Trial Financial Support Agreements with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither the universities, institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in yield and nutrient use efficiency may not be observed in all cases. Always read and follow label instructions. The active ingredient in CENTURO is approved by United States EPA FIFRA. Not for sale or use outside of the United States. 

Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Weather
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Record-setting rain during the 2018 fall limited or prevented fertilizer applications in many regions of the U.S. Add to that an abundance of late winter precipitation, below average temperatures and large snow melt have led to record-setting floods in parts of the Midwest and saturated fields in other parts of the U.S., making it difficult for growers to hit the ground running this spring.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Nutrient Management , Weather
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With persistent wet weather patterns across the U.S. causing logistical strain and delay of many growers getting into their fields, some are already making the switch from anhydrous ammonia to other nitrogen sources. This means now is the time to discuss nitrogen source alternatives and nitrogen protection options with your growers.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Nutrient Management , Weather