To find the best solution for nitrogen protection it’s
crucial to understand the risk factors for volatilization, leaching and
denitrification losses. The table below can identify what losses they may face
based on a series of factors.
Surface-applied or shallow incorporated urea or UAN
| Pre-plant, at-planting or early post applications | Pre-plant, at-planting, or early post applications |
Warm Air Temperatures | All nitrogen application methods | All nitrogen application methods |
Moist soil or precipitation event < 0.5” | Loosely textured soils with high infiltration | Tightly textured soils with poor internal drainage |
High Soil pH | Tile-drained fields | Warm Soil Temperatures |
High residue cropping systems | Above average rainfall and large precipitation events | Saturated soils > 60% water-filled pore space |
At Koch Agronomic Services (KAS), we’re proud to be a part of the solution. Whether the nitrogen source is urea, UAN, or anhydrous ammonia, we have a scientifically proven solution to meet the unique needs of your growers. The table below can help you find the right KAS solution dependent on the nitrogen source and loss situation.
Nitrogen Source | Volatilization | Leaching & Denitrification | Volatilization, Leaching & Denitrification |
Anhydrous Ammonia | N/A4 | CENTURO | CENTURO5 |
As the season progresses, it’s important to remain responsive and work closely with your growers to adjust to the ever-changing weather and growing conditions, helping them find the best solution this season.
1Risk Factors for Volatilization, IPNI Nitrogen Notes - Ammonia Volatilization No. 6
2Risk Factors for Leaching, IPNI Nitrogen Notes - Nitrate Leaching No. 3
3Risk Factors for Denitrification, IPNI Nitrogen Notes - Denitrification No. 5
4,5To protect against volatilization losses apply when soil conditions are favorable to ensure complete closure of the injection site.