Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Help Growers Adjust Their Nitrogen Needs this Spring
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Nutrient Management , Weather
With persistent wet weather patterns across the U.S. causing logistical strain and delay of many growers getting into their fields, some are already making the switch from anhydrous ammonia to other nitrogen sources. This means now is the time to discuss nitrogen source alternatives and nitrogen protection options with your growers.

To find the best solution for nitrogen protection it’s crucial to understand the risk factors for volatilization, leaching and denitrification losses. The table below can identify what losses they may face based on a series of factors. 

Risk Factors for Volatilization1

Risk Factors for Leaching2

Risk Factors for Denitrification3

Surface-applied or shallow incorporated urea or UAN
Pre-plant, at-planting or early post applicationsPre-plant, at-planting, or early post applications
Warm Air TemperaturesAll nitrogen application methodsAll nitrogen application methods
 Moist soil or precipitation event < 0.5”Loosely textured soils with high infiltrationTightly textured soils with poor internal drainage
 High Soil pHTile-drained fieldsWarm Soil Temperatures
 High residue cropping systemsAbove average rainfall and large precipitation events Saturated soils > 60% water-filled pore space 


At Koch Agronomic Services (KAS), we’re proud to be a part of the solution. Whether the nitrogen source is urea, UAN, or anhydrous ammonia, we have a scientifically proven solution to meet the unique needs of your growers. The table below can help you find the right KAS solution dependent on the nitrogen source and loss situation. 

 Finding the Right Nitrogen source for your situation
 Nitrogen Source


Leaching & DenitrificationVolatilization, Leaching & Denitrification
 Anhydrous AmmoniaN/A4 CENTURO



As the season progresses, it’s important to remain responsive and work closely with your growers to adjust to the ever-changing weather and growing conditions, helping them find the best solution this season.

1Risk Factors for Volatilization, IPNI Nitrogen Notes - Ammonia Volatilization No. 6

2Risk Factors for Leaching, IPNI Nitrogen Notes - Nitrate Leaching No. 3

3Risk Factors for Denitrification, IPNI Nitrogen Notes - Denitrification No. 5

4,5To protect against volatilization losses apply when soil conditions are favorable to ensure complete closure of the injection site. 

Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Nutrient Management , Weather
The goal in crop production with nitrogen is to ensure as much of it as possible is available for plant uptake, where it can then be converted to grain throughout the growing season. While we know nitrogen is important to our crops, do we know what role it plays and how to ensure it’s available for optimal crop growth and production?
Article Categories: US, Blog Icon BLOG, Nitrogen Loss
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Record-setting rain during the 2018 fall limited or prevented fertilizer applications in many regions of the U.S. Add to that an abundance of late winter precipitation, below average temperatures and large snow melt have led to record-setting floods in parts of the Midwest and saturated fields in other parts of the U.S., making it difficult for growers to hit the ground running this spring.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Nutrient Management , Weather