Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Planning Pays Off with ANVOL
With the recent trends in fluctuating commodity pricing, growers know they need to protect their valuable nitrogen inputs — from a financial, plant growth and sustainability standpoint.

Crop to crop and year to year, profits will vary. But the one thing that doesn’t change for growers is their desire to produce a strong, healthy crop. 

“Growers are good stewards of the land,” said Tim Laatsch, director of North America agronomy for Koch Agronomic Services (Koch). “They want to grow a high-yielding crop and make the best decisions on their inputs. So as they’re planning their spring nitrogen applications, protecting that investment with a nitrogen stabilizer is key to success for the next growing season.”

Wise Use of Nitrogen

Nitrogen is one of the most critical nutrients in plant growth, but using it wisely is just as important. By including an enhanced efficiency product like Koch’s ANVOL® nitrogen stabilizer, growers are protecting what they put down, instead of applying additional nitrogen to make up for volatilization losses.

“With an increase in nitrogen prices and input costs in general, growers are looking for ways to keep their expenses in check,” said Laatsch. “By utilizing a stabilizer like ANVOL, growers can improve their return on investment by minimizing nitrogen loss and keeping it available for plant uptake in order to maximize yields.”

Extending Protection

Growers can improve their nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by the extended protection offered from the dual active ingredients of ANVOL: Koch-patented Duromide and NBPT. Duromide is designed to extend nitrogen protection longer when combined with NBPT, the proven active ingredient in AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizer. Working in tandem, they allow ANVOL to provide the longest-lasting protection against ammonia volatilization over a wider range of soil conditions.

Left unprotected, nitrogen loss due to ammonia volatilization can have a serious impact on crop yields. Research shows ANVOL defends against volatilization losses, boosting yield results compared to untreated urea. 

Across 8 site years with locations in Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, and Tennessee, urea treated with ANVOL resulted in a 31 bu/acre corn yield advantage over untreated urea.1

ANVOL Research
From the Field
Chad Weckerly farms 16,000 acres in North Dakota. He likes that ANVOL has a high active-ingredient concentration and is easier to handle than stabilizers that are sticky and have a strong odor.

“Knowing I can count on ANVOL and the life of the granule in the field allows me a much greater application window,” said Weckerly. “And with the lower use rate and the fact that the product just hasn’t been as difficult to handle, it’s really helped us maximize the days we are out spreading.” 

Weckerly doesn’t need to look at the studies; he recommends ANVOL to his neighbors based on what it’s done for his operation. 
“I haven't been let down by ANVOL,” said Weckerly. “And I do not know any better way to pass along the benefits of ANVOL to other growers than to say — that’s what works on my own farm.”

Make a plan now to protect your spring application with ANVOL stabilizer. For more information about ANVOL and how you can protect your most important investment, contact your KAS representative today.

1The underlying data was provided by Virginia Tech, University of Kentucky, University of Tennessee, University of Illinois and Pike Ag, LLC under a Research Trial Financial Support Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC and neither these institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service.

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If you’ve been around agriculture for more than a few days, then you know weather can be a fickle friend and this year may be setting up to be no different.
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No matter the conditions, protecting applied nitrogen is an important part of a strong nutrient management plan.