CENTURO™, a next-generation nitrification inhibitor for anhydrous ammonia and UAN from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch), has received approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and is now available for order in the U.S. The approval marks the first time in more than 40 years that a nitrification inhibitor has received FIFRA registration.
“Our team of agronomists, chemists and technology specialists have spent the past nine years working on a technology that could make a grower’s nitrogen investment more efficient. Today, we have CENTURO, which has been scientifically proven to reduce nitrogen loss and optimize nutrient-use efficiency,” said Justin Hoppas, executive vice president of Koch. “Farmers throughout the Corn Belt are facing growing economic and environmental pressures, and we understand fertilizer additives must perform and pay off. CENTURO is now available as one more tool in a grower’s toolbox to increase agricultural efficiencies and optimize their crop nutrition investments.”
CENTURO works to protect applied nitrogen and keep the valuable nutrient available in the root zone in its ammonium form where it’s less susceptible to loss through denitrification and leaching. By keeping nitrogen in a stable form for a longer period of time, more of the nitrogen is available to be absorbed by the plant, and there is less potential loss to the environment. In fact, in the first two years of an ongoing study conducted at Iowa State University, CENTURO reduced nitrate leaching by an average of 44 percent in fall-applied anhydrous ammonia and an average of 23 percent in spring-applied anhydrous ammonia compared to untreated anhydrous ammonia.
“With so much focus on nitrate in our rivers and streams, calls for farmers to curb nitrogen loss are increasing,” said Jean Payne, president of the Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association. “Farmers are aware of this challenge and are voluntarily seeking products that can reduce the potential for leaching of nitrates into nearby waterways. Through our research in Illinois, we can confidently tell our farmers that when you use a registered nitrification inhibitor like CENTURO, your nitrogen is in the soil longer so more can be absorbed by the plant.”
CENTURO holds the nitrogen in the ammonium form three times longer than without an inhibitor. With fall-applied anhydrous ammonia, more ammonium will be held in the soil throughout the spring, maximizing availability for crop uptake. And with spring-applied anhydrous ammonia, CENTURO helps minimize potential losses to leaching and denitrification from spring rains prior to crop establishment.
CENTURO also helps growers significantly improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) to increase crop output.
Across a two-year study in Nebraska, Illinois and Missouri, CENTURO increased the NUE of anhydrous by
up to 25 percent. Additionally, fall-applied CENTURO treated ammonia increased corn yield by an average
of 8 bu/A compared to untreated fall-applied ammonia, and by an average of 7 bu/A in spring applications.
The performance of CENTURO gives farmers the opportunity to further enhance their operations to align
with fertilizer best management practices. CENTURO supports 4R nutrient stewardship as its advanced
technology helps the nitrogen to be in the right place, keeping the nutrient where the crop can best utilize it,
and at the right time, making the nutrient available when the crop needs it.
“A lot of the innovation happening within the fertilizer industry is with enhanced efficiency fertilizer products
and technologies aimed at improving the uptake of the nitrogen by the plant and reducing the loss,” said
Lara Moody, vice president of stewardship and sustainability programs at The Fertilizer Institute.
“Nitrification inhibitors are an option that farmers can choose to better manage the nitrogen within their
system, reduce the risk of loss and protect their investment.”
The patented formulation of CENTURO is a first for the industry in terms of its handling and flexibility.
CENTURO has unmatched storage flexibility due to its subzero freeze point, high flash point and long shelf
life. The formulation is noncorrosive to the metals used in anhydrous and UAN equipment and does not
require stainless steel tank storage.
To take control of your nitrogen investment, with unmatched storage and application flexibility, contact a
Koch sales representative or visit CENTURO.com.
CENTURO is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. CENTURO is a trademark of Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Koch and the Koch logo are trademarks of Koch Industries, Inc. The 4R approach is endorsed and supported by the International Plant Nutrition Institute, The Fertilizer Institute, The Canadian Fertilizer Institute and the International Fertilizer Industry Association.© 2018 Koch Agronomic Services, LLC.
Koch Agronomic Services
Koch Agronomic Services, LLC and its affiliates produce and market a proven and expanding global
portfolio of plant performance technologies for agriculture producers and turf and ornamental professionals.
With a commitment to creating real, sustainable, long-term value for customers and society, Koch
Agronomic Services, LLC focuses on developing customer-driven solutions to maximize plant performance
and minimize environmental impact. Koch Agronomic Services, LLC is a subsidiary of Koch Ag & Energy
Solutions, LLC. www.kochagronomicservices.com.
Koch Agronomic Services, LLC, 4111 E. 37th St. N, Wichita, KS 67220.