Urea-Ammonium Nitrate, also known as UAN, is an excellent source of nitrogen and nutrition for crops. But even though it’s widely used across the globe, there are still many misconceptions when it comes to UAN—especially as it pertains to nitrogen loss.
That’s where UAN 101 comes in.
To help dispel the misinformation and keep you as well-informed as possible, we’ve created a short educational video series designed to provide clarification on the subject of UAN. Watching these videos will give you a comprehensive look at this crucial nitrogen source and the science surrounding it while also offering up solutions to ensure its best possible performance in the field.
The three videos we’ve created will aid in building a foundational knowledge about an otherwise complex topic. After watching the material, you’ll have a greater understanding of UAN, its composition, and the nitrogen loss risks involved with using it. You’ll also come to understand UAN’s various applications and functions as well as research-proven suggestions for how to keep your UAN where crops need it most. Finally, you’ll learn the potential value of protecting UAN applications and will be equipped with the knowledge needed to get the most out of your investment.
In addition to the videos, we’ve created a short quiz to help further solidify your understanding of the lessons.
Now that you’ve finished watching the videos, you’re ready to see how much you’ve learned about UAN.