Nitrogen Loss Resource Articles
Nitrogen Loss Resource Articles
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The weather may be unpredictable. But you can still protect your nitrogen investment.
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Pre-flood nitrogen fertilizer application can set the stage for a rice crops yield potential and ultimately a grower’s profit. But without the right protection, a grower could be forfeiting the potential benefits of a pre-flood nitrogen application.
Growers bear a lot of responsibility, not only for raising enough crops to fit the needs of a growing population, but to also be stewards of the land. One element key to overcoming these challenges is getting enough nitrogen in the field – and keeping it there.
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Koch Agronomic Services’ (KAS) next-generation nitrogen stabilizer, ANVOL, demonstrated extended protection against nitrogen loss due to volatilization in recent research. While untreated urea lost 32 percent of its available nitrogen, urea treated with ANVOL lost just 12 percent.
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As North American growers continue to plan for the season ahead, many are reviewing their balance sheets and looking for ways to increase crop production and improve their bottom lines. All inputs, including fertilizer, are closely analyzed for cost and efficacy. However, today more than ever before, growers need inputs that are not just effective, but also efficient, which creates a challenge for growers, farm supply retailers and cooperatives who serve them.
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The process of keeping nitrogen available to nourish crops is complicated. Learn how you can protect against nitrogen loss with Koch solutions.
Consider treating UAN investments with a nitrogen stabilizer that protects against ammonia volatilization.
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Selecting what fertilizer best fits your operation can be a difficult process — this likely isn’t a surprise to you. With so many factors playing into the equation, how do you decide what details to consider to ensure your crops get the essential nutrients they need? This article discusses three key factors to think about as you explore your fertilizer options and how SUPERU premium fertilizer from Koch Agronomic Services stacks up in each category.
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You might think that when nitrogen fertilizer is in the ground, it's safe. New research suggests you need to think again. When shallow banding unprotected urea less than two inches deep, researchers found that nitrogen loss due to ammonia volatilization can be even greater than unprotected broadcast urea.
Crops are the most valuable source of income for most farm operations. That’s why you protect your livelihood by insuring your crops every year. In the event of significant crop loss due to weather, insect or disease, insurance will step in to make up for a portion of the lost income.
Efficiently using resources and good crop management go hand-in-hand on any successful farming operation. This is no trade secret — you want to minimize the inputs needed to produce the highest yield possible. That’s why optimizing your nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is critical to getting the most out of your fertilizer investment and ultimately, a better bottom line.
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Soil is a nonrenewable resource that directly and indirectly produces about 95 percent of the world’s food* — so while defining soil health may not be easy, understanding its value is.
The goal in crop production with nitrogen is to ensure as much of it as possible is available for plant uptake, where it can then be converted to grain throughout the growing season. While we know nitrogen is important to our crops, do we know what role it plays and how to ensure it’s available for optimal crop growth and production?
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In studies conducted in 2017 and 2018 by the University of Missouri showed the yield benefit of corn when using SUPERU fertilizer and AGROTAIN nitrogen stabilizer compared to ContaiN.
According to the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center, growers across the U.S. may start noticing the impacts of El Niño as we progress into the fall and winter seasons.
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Packed with unsurpassed efficiency in every granule, SUPERU premium fertilizer has been scientifically formulated to protect a grower’s nitrogen investment against volatilization, leaching and denitrification. With both urease and nitrification inhibitors, SUPERU enhances nitrogen efficiency, boosts yield and minimizes potential nitrogen loss to nearby water sources.
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Growers should soon be planning their winter top-dress applications. While crop progress and weather conditions vary, the 4Rs of fertilizer application pertain across the wheat belt.
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Urea-Ammonium Nitrate, also known as UAN, is an excellent source of nitrogen for crops. However, farmers may dismiss the risk of nitrogen loss from UAN, incorrectly assuming that liquid forms of nitrogen are not subject to appreciable volatilization losses.
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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. A cliché expression used by some to say there are things in life better left alone. For nearly 25 years, that phrase could accurately be applied to above ground urea and UAN nitrogen protection.
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Record-setting rainfalls in late 2018 left many growers in the U.S., specifically the southern states and the Northeast, with saturated fields and the need for a new nitrogen game plan.
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With unpredictable spring weather, protecting your nitrogen investment is critical to your overall yield potential. Environmental factors such as soil moisture, temperature, pH and compaction can all play a role in nitrogen loss.
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Record-setting rain during the 2018 fall limited or prevented fertilizer applications in many regions of the U.S. Add to that an abundance of late winter precipitation, below average temperatures and large snow melt have led to record-setting floods in parts of the Midwest and saturated fields in other parts of the U.S., making it difficult for growers to hit the ground running this spring.
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With persistent wet weather patterns across the U.S. causing logistical strain and delay of many growers getting into their fields, some are already making the switch from anhydrous ammonia to other nitrogen sources. This means now is the time to discuss nitrogen source alternatives and nitrogen protection options with your growers.
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In a four-year study conducted by the University of Illinois, broadcasted SUPERU fertilizer at planting led the way in corn yield with an average of 229 bu/acre.
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In a study evaluating various enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs) on effectiveness of reducing nitrogen loss from denitrification and leaching, SUPERU premium fertilizer led the way.
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