Nitrogen Loss Resource Articles
Nitrogen Loss Resource Articles
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As North American growers continue to plan for the season ahead, many are reviewing their balance sheets and looking for ways to increase crop production and improve their bottom lines. All inputs, including fertilizer, are closely analyzed for cost and efficacy. However, today more than ever before, growers need inputs that are not just effective, but also efficient, which creates a challenge for growers, farm supply retailers and cooperatives who serve them.
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Selecting what fertilizer best fits your operation can be a difficult process — this likely isn’t a surprise to you. With so many factors playing into the equation, how do you decide what details to consider to ensure your crops get the essential nutrients they need? This article discusses three key factors to think about as you explore your fertilizer options and how SUPERU premium fertilizer from Koch Agronomic Services stacks up in each category.
Selecting what fertilizer best fits your operation can be a difficult process — this likely isn’t a surprise to you. With so many factors playing into the equation, how do you decide what details to consider to ensure your crops get the essential nutrients they need? This article discusses three key factors to think about as you explore your fertilizer options and how SUPERU premium fertilizer from Koch Agronomic Services stacks up in each category.
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In studies conducted in 2017 and 2018 by the University of Missouri showed the yield benefit of corn when using SUPERU fertilizer and AGROTAIN nitrogen stabilizer compared to ContaiN.
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Packed with unsurpassed efficiency in every granule, SUPERU premium fertilizer has been scientifically formulated to protect a grower’s nitrogen investment against volatilization, leaching and denitrification. With both urease and nitrification inhibitors, SUPERU enhances nitrogen efficiency, boosts yield and minimizes potential nitrogen loss to nearby water sources.
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Growers should soon be planning their winter top-dress applications. While crop progress and weather conditions vary, the 4Rs of fertilizer application pertain across the wheat belt.
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Record-setting rainfalls in late 2018 left many growers in the U.S., specifically the southern states and the Northeast, with saturated fields and the need for a new nitrogen game plan.
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Record-setting rain during the 2018 fall limited or prevented fertilizer applications in many regions of the U.S. Add to that an abundance of late winter precipitation, below average temperatures and large snow melt have led to record-setting floods in parts of the Midwest and saturated fields in other parts of the U.S., making it difficult for growers to hit the ground running this spring.
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With persistent wet weather patterns across the U.S. causing logistical strain and delay of many growers getting into their fields, some are already making the switch from anhydrous ammonia to other nitrogen sources. This means now is the time to discuss nitrogen source alternatives and nitrogen protection options with your growers.
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In a study evaluating various enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs) on effectiveness of reducing nitrogen loss from denitrification and leaching, SUPERU premium fertilizer led the way.
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UAN is a combination of urea, ammonium nitrate and water that forms to combine this liquid fertilizer.
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When your operation depends on something as unpredictable as the weather, taking extra precautions to protect your nitrogen investment is critical.
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2019 was a record-breaking year in more ways than one – devastating floods plagued most of the Midwest, preventing many growers from planting spring crops on more than 19.4 million acres according to the USDA.
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SUPERU premium fertilizer has proven effective for growers all across the country. With its ability to guard against both above- and below-ground nitrogen loss, it has earned a reputation for being a must-have fertilizer. But it’s not just farmers who are tapping into the power of SUPERU.
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We know that nitrogen is an important element. It makes up 78% of our atmosphere and is a key component in plant growth. But how do plants utilize this key nutrient? What role does nitrogen play as a crop nutrient? How do the three types of nitrogen loss differ?
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To better understand why plants need nitrogen to grow, it’s important to know what the element does and why the nitrogen cycle is a necessary part of all living matter.
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) will break down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Crop science experts and others in the agriculture industry will discuss topics ranging from nitrogen loss and soil health to ways growers can increase operational efficiencies.
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With corn being planted across the Midwest, spring top-dress applications should be top-of-mind for many growers. Typical top-dress applications are applied using white urea, with this though you may be setting yourself up for increased losses to ammonia volatilization, leaching and denitrification. Better protect your nitrogen investment with SUPERU premium fertilizer.
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To produce higher yields, growers need to be resourceful. And as you look for sustainable options to best manage nutrients, preventing nitrogen loss is a top concern. To do that, you have to understand the three types of nitrogen loss and the tools you have to prevent it.
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As the world’s population increases, one of the critical concerns of food production is the shrinking number of farming acres.
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Nitrogen is one of the most critical nutrients for a corn crop and plays a large role in plant growth, development and yield potential. Depending on several environmental factors, nitrogen can be lost to from the rooting zone of the crop which can lead to a nitrogen deficiency.
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Each year, new agronomic solutions are introduced for growers to consider using to help them better their operation. The best of those allow growers to use fewer resources, potentially saving them money in the long run and promoting a more sustainable future.
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Thanks to agronomic research being conducted around the world, advances are being made each day to help growers produce more with fewer resources. And that work not only helps to feed people across the globe, it also creates value for society as a whole.
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As you start to plan for next year, you may be looking for expenses to cut from your overall budget. We're here to tell you why the investment in nitrogen stabilizers can give your operation an edge.
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As you plan for the next growing season, fluctuating commodity prices may have you looking at your expenses. In order to manage tighter margins, you could even be tempted to cut input costs but it may end up hurting your bottom line.
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