Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
A Powerful Tool to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Efficiently using resources and good crop management go hand-in-hand on any successful farming operation. This is no trade secret — you want to minimize the inputs needed to produce the highest yield possible. That’s why optimizing your nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is critical to getting the most out of your fertilizer investment and ultimately, a better bottom line.

What is NUE? In short, NUE is the amount of nitrogen taken up by crops compared to the amount of fertilizer applied to the field. The higher your NUE, the greater your ability is to optimize every pound of nitrogen you apply. 

In any given field, there are two sources of nitrogen for crops: nitrogen that is applied by you, and organic nitrogen that comes from biological processes within the soil. While many factors such as pH and residue can contribute to organic nitrogen’s availability, you have the power to protect the availability of the nutrients you apply. 


Nitrate leaching and denitrification are two forms of nitrogen loss that can significantly reduce the efficiency of your anhydrous ammonia fertilizer investment. CENTURO® nitrogen stabilizer from Koch Agronomic Services is a next-generation nitrification inhibitor designed to maximize the anhydrous you apply. With a newly patented active ingredient, CENTURO offers highly effective below-ground protection against loss and improved NUE.

A nitrification inhibitor, like CENTURO, is an important tool for protecting nitrogen and keeping the valuable nutrient available in the root zone — where you want it to be. This leads to more of the applied nitrogen being used by the plant.

“Inhibitors provide more nitrogen to the plant by keeping it in an ammonium form,” said Dr. Kelly Nelson, professor of agronomy in the Division of Plant Sciences at the University of Missouri. “If we can keep it in the ammonium form, that leaves it less susceptible to loss mechanisms such as denitrification and leaching.”

N rate for all bars is 70% recommended rate. Bars with same letter are not significantly different (p<0.10)
In the first two years of an ongoing study conducted at Iowa State University, CENTURO reduced nitrate leaching by 44% in fall-applied ammonia compared to untreated ammonia.1 In eight replicated trials conducted across four site locations in Illinois, Missouri and Nebraska from 2016-2018, ammonia treated with CENTURO improved NUE by up to 25% and increased corn yield by an average of 6 bushels per acre compared to untreated ammonia.


The results are clear. When you protect your nitrogen and increase your NUE, you can minimize the fertilizer inputs needed to optimize your yield potential. As the first nitrification inhibitor for anhydrous ammonia to be registered by the EPA in 40 years, CENTURO is the proven tool you can trust to protect your nutrient investment. 

CENTURO is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. 1The underlying data was provided by University of Nebraska, University of Missouri, and the Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association under Research Trial Financial Support Agreements with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither the universities or institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in nutrient use efficiency, yield and nitrate leaching may not be observed in all cases. CENTURO and the CENTURO logo are trademarks of Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Koch and the Koch logo are trademarks of Koch Industries, Inc. © 2019 Koch Agronomic Services, LLC.


Growers bear a lot of responsibility, not only for raising enough crops to fit the needs of a growing population, but to also be stewards of the land. One element key to overcoming these challenges is getting enough nitrogen in the field – and keeping it there.
Article Categories: US, Blog Icon BLOG, Research, Corn Belt