Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
3 Factors to Consider When Selecting an Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer
Selecting what fertilizer best fits your operation can be a difficult process — this likely isn’t a surprise to you. With so many factors playing into the equation, how do you decide what details to consider to ensure your crops get the essential nutrients they need? This article discusses three key factors to think about as you explore your fertilizer options and how SUPERU premium fertilizer from Koch Agronomic Services stacks up in each category.


“It protects nitrogen three ways. From the leaching, the denitrification, and from the volatilization above ground and below ground. So, when we’re spreading in-season, we don’t necessarily need a rain to wash it in because it’ll sit out for a little bit until we do get that rain to wash the product into the ground.” – Davin Harms, MFA Precision Account Sales Manager

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s very important to understand how nitrogen is lost and how to protect your investment in the field. Nitrogen loss and its causes can vary from soil to soil. The three primary forms of nitrogen loss are ammonia volatilization, nitrate leaching and denitrification. SUPERU is the only proven granular fertilizer that incorporates both urease and nitrification inhibitors to provide protection against all three forms of nitrogen loss.


“The most expensive nitrogen you put out there is the one that doesn’t get used or gets lost.” – Eric Preston, MFA Precision Account Sales Manager

SUPERU vs. Untreated Urea

Land Stewardship

“The weatherman might be calling for rain in a couple of hours, but that doesn’t always happen. And it’s not always across everywhere that you spread. SUPERU ensures the nitrogen you spent money on is out there in the field as opposed to being in the atmosphere.” – Davin Harms, MFA Precision Account Sales Manager

Good land stewardship is more than a goal, it’s something that is expected from today’s farmers. While there are many aspects of being a good steward to your land, managing the nitrogen you apply and mitigating how much nitrate is lost to the environment are important pieces of the puzzle. With above- and below-ground protection, SUPERU enhances your nitrogen efficiency and minimizes potential nitrogen loss to nearby water sources.

1The underlying data was provided by University of Missouri under a Research Trial Financial Support Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC and neither University of Missouri, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service.

The data and material contained herein are provided for informational purposes only. Results may vary based on a number of factors, including environmental conditions.

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Soil is a nonrenewable resource that directly and indirectly produces about 95 percent of the world’s food1 — so while defining soil health may not be easy, understanding its value is.
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Soil is a nonrenewable resource that directly and indirectly produces about 95 percent of the world’s food* — so while defining soil health may not be easy, understanding its value is.