An agronomist and certified crop advisor, Vesely is also a fertilizer and chemical manager at the Tama Benton Cooperative. She looks at limiting factors faced by growers — everything from the number of hours in a day to weather conditions and what that means for crop inputs.
After putting all of those factors together, she can have an informed discussion with the growers in her area. To give them the best chance at success, Vesely encourages them to look at capitalizing on the money they’re already spending on inputs.
“The conversations we have with growers on inputs are very important to all of us,” said Vesely. “We want them to make sure they're protecting every input they put down out there. And make sure that they’re capitalizing on the money they’re already spending to apply nitrogen.”
The Wisdom of Nitrogen Stabilizers
Whatever the market conditions in this industry — even high input costs — Vesely says her answer is the same when growers ask what they should consider for inputs.
“The only way you can combat those conditions is by having higher yields,” she said. “By protecting what we’ve put down, we have a better opportunity at producing as many bushels as we absolutely can. A product like CENTURO helps us to do that.”
CENTURO® nitrogen stabilizer from Koch Agronomic Services has quickly become a proven nitrification inhibitor for anhydrous ammonia and UAN, and has helped growers meet their goals for improved nitrogen use efficiency and higher yield potential.
By keeping more nitrogen available for plants where and when it’s needed, CENTURO can help growers improve yield potential compared to untreated applied nitrogen.
Finding the Right Solution
As an agronomist, Vesely is always looking at new products and technologies for the growers she serves. So, when CENTURO was released to the market in 2018, Vesely investigated the operational efficiencies and productivity advantages.
“I tell growers not to be afraid to try something new. Just because they've been doing one thing forever, it doesn't mean there isn't something better out there. And for us there was, and it was CENTURO,” she said.
Besides the yield benefits, retailers like Vesely often point out CENTURO’s operational efficiencies:
- Ease of Use – With the ability to be added before, during or after the addition of anhydrous ammonia and UAN, CENTURO delivers flexibility.
- Noncorrosive Formula – CENTURO’s formula is noncorrosive to the metals used in anhydrous ammonia and UAN equipment, reducing downtime associated with equipment damage.
- Storage Options – With its long shelf life, CENTURO will allow the flexibility to store the product safely and easily for extended periods of time.
- Highly Stable – With a subzero freezing point, CENTURO allows storage flexibility, and does not require cold weather protective equipment as long as temperatures remain above -9 degrees Fahrenheit.
“Weather and time are both limiting factors for us all,” Vesely said. “So, if we're not running, a grower is not running. CENTURO allows us to be efficient with our time. Because of the lower freeze point of CENTURO, the product allows us to run later in the year when temperatures start to get very cold. That’s definitely more efficient to the grower.”
To understand how Koch can help you with your limiting factors and capitalize on the money you’re already spending on inputs, go to or contact your
KAS representative