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Dual Actives
Longer-Lasting Protection

Make the Switch to

ANVOL® Nitrogen Stabilizer

You’ve trusted the proven protection of AGROTAIN® for more than 25 years. But what if there was something even better?

Introducing ANVOL®. We took a great stabilizer and made it better.

ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer combines NBPT, the same proven active ingredient found in AGROTAIN, with the patented active ingredient Duromide — delivering the longest-lasting protection against ammonia volatilization, and improved handling and performance across a range of soil conditions.

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Here's What Makes ANVOL Better

B E T T E R   S T A B I L I Z E R

Building on the proven performance of AGROTAIN, we combined NBPT with the active ingredient Duromide. As a result, ANVOL delivers the longest-lasting urease inhibitor protection over a wider range of soil environments.

NBPT molecule

Dual Active Ingredients

NBPT is an effective, fast-acting molecule that set the bar for nitrogen stabilization nearly 25 years ago. We enhanced that protection by developing Duromide — a molecule working in tandem with NBPT to deliver protection from ammonia volatilization that starts quickly and lasts longer than NBPT alone.

Duromide molecule

Longer-Lasting Protection

Designed as a more robust molecule, Duromide is resistant to degradation triggers like soil pH levels and temperature, which can break down NBPT.

NBPT blocks the hydrolysis of urea as soon as it’s applied. As time passes, elements like temperature and soil pH can result in degradation. Designed to withstand a wider range of soil environments, Duromide keeps the protection going, allowing fertilizer more time to be incorporated.

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Side–By–Side ANVOL Delivers

A N V O L   D E L I V E R S
Up to 27% extended protection

Extended Protection

Increases window of inhibition by up to 27% compared to NBPT alone.

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Increased Efficiencies

A high active ingredient concentration allows for a low application rate and reduced fertilizer buildup on equipment due to a drier urea fertilizer blend.

Up to 31bu/acre higher yields

Higher Yields

Studies conducted in 2016-2018 showed ANVOL-treated urea produced 31 more bu/ac of corn than untreated urea*.

With all of these benefits, maybe the question you should be asking is why haven’t you switched yet?

Jug containing ANVOL