1 The 4R approach is endorsed and supported by the International Plant Nutrition Institute, The Fertilizer Institute, the Canadian Fertilizer Institute and the International Fertilizer Industry Association.
2University of Arkansas lab incubation study 2019; University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2019 and 2020 Miss State lysimeter data.
3Range of 30 – 50%. Liter EPA EEF Challenge Submission data: 30% reduction - corn (Chatterjee et al, 2016); 34% reduction - corn (Chatterjee et al, 2016); 45% reduction - corn (Yang et al, 2016); 35% reduction - corn (Eagle et al, 2017); 48% reduction - irrigated no-till corn (Halvorson et al, 2010); 53% reduction - semi-arid irrigated corn (Dugan et al, 2017); 43.8% reduction - sandy loam soil (Awale and Chatterjee, 2017)