At Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) we foster long-lasting relationships by delivering innovative plant nutrient solutions designed to boost yield potential and reduce environmental impact. Examining and understanding the science that affects crops and turf helps us to create technologies that can optimize our customers’ fertilizer investments.
Our global team of chemists and agronomists, working together with our growers, universities and government researchers, develop and deliver products our customers trust. Products that are backed by scientific data and validated by independent research.
As part of Koch Industries, Inc., a privately held company with some 120,000 employees operating in over 70 countries across the globe, we have access to an incredible array of resources. Our research, processes, systems and people all lead us to incredible innovations.
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Who We Are
Meet the teams who are working together to help feed the world.
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When chemists, agronomists, researchers and growers work together to develop plant nutrient solutions, we can nurture the land for the next generation.