Plus, a lack of uniform distribution when applied alone or in bulk blends, boron can be a difficult nutrient to manage.
Facing the Boron Challenges
For most crops, boron is immobile within the plant. Due to this immobility, the best way to meet boron demand throughout the season is to supply the micronutrient through root uptake or soil application. Boron is highly mobile in soil but can be lost due to leaching in especially sandy soils, high rainfall areas or under irrigation. This makes it challenging to supply it over the entire growing season and can typically require additional applications.
With concerns of phytotoxicity, growers must avoid high concentrations of boron in their soil—leaving only a narrow range for optimal boron availability. Because of this, it’s critical to have a uniform boron distribution across the field. To help address these management challenges, WOLF TRAX® Boron DDP® (dry dispersible powder) can be a solution to efficiently supply boron to your soil.
Efficiency in the Field
Growers can safely deliver boron to crops throughout the growing season with Boron DDP. The exclusive technologies found in this formulation provide three forms of boron with a range in solubility to help ensure nutrients are available when the crops need it most.
With Boron DDP, you’ll get unparalleled flexibility to customize the formulation to suit individual fields and help meet crop nutrient demands. Address the most critical challenges for efficient nutrition with technologies that provide value, convenience and flexibility. Ask your local retailer how Boron DDP can help protect against boron deficiencies, or connect with your Koch representative today.