Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Protect Against Nitrogen Loss and Get Full Yield Potential with SUPERU® Fertilizer
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Stewardship
As North American growers continue to plan for the season ahead, many are reviewing their balance sheets and looking for ways to increase crop production and improve their bottom lines. All inputs, including fertilizer, are closely analyzed for cost and efficacy. However, today more than ever before, growers need inputs that are not just effective, but also efficient, which creates a challenge for growers, farm supply retailers and cooperatives who serve them.


“In my opinion, there’s not a better steward of the land than the farmer or producer,” says Jason Weirich, Ph.D., director of agronomy for MFA, Inc., a full-service farm supply retailer and cooperative based out of Columbia, MO with 140 locations throughout Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. “They’re making a living off the earth, so they need to protect it. That said, every dollar counts, because they’re typically on very tight margins. For growers to adopt a product, it has to make sense, both environmentally and economically. It’s part of our job at MFA to identify those products and make them available.”

Estimates say that U.S. growers invest in and apply approximately 13 million tons of nitrogen fertilizer each year. It’s no wonder, then, that fertilizer is one of the first inputs that come under intense scrutiny as growers pursue greater operational efficiency. While fertilizers are essential for better yields, the task of protecting the nitrogen in those fertilizers from being lost due to volatilization, denitrification and leaching remains. “We know that many conditions outside a farmer’s control – like extreme rainfall, hot temperatures, saturated soils and drought – can cause up to 50 percent of the nitrogen in applied fertilizer to become unavailable for plant uptake,” says Greg Schwab, director of agronomy for Koch Agronomic Services. “That’s where a product like our SUPERU® fertilizer can make a tremendous difference, helping farmers maximize production and minimize potential environmental impact.”

Backed by 25 years of research and trials, SUPERU is a proven granular fertilizer that’s 46 percent nitrogen. Safe to use on all crops and pastures requiring a nitrogen fertilizer, SUPERU is the only granular fertilizer that incorporates both urease and nitrification inhibitors to provide above- and below-ground protection against all three forms of nitrogen loss.


At Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) we’re proud to be part of the solution. Our products have been scientifically proven to...minimize all three forms of nitrogen loss. From advanced urease and nitrification inhibitors to slow and controlled-release fertilizers, KAS is committed to delivering exceptional value to growers through a combination of innovative, effective products and outstanding service.


Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, Stewardship
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As you plan for the next growing season, fluctuating commodity prices may have you looking at your expenses. In order to manage tighter margins, you could even be tempted to cut input costs but it may end up hurting your bottom line.
Article Categories: Blog Icon BLOG, US, CANADA, Nitrogen Loss
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Selecting what fertilizer best fits your operation can be a difficult process — this likely isn’t a surprise to you. With so many factors playing into the equation, how do you decide what details to consider to ensure your crops get the essential nutrients they need? This article discusses three key factors to think about as you explore your fertilizer options and how SUPERU premium fertilizer from Koch Agronomic Services stacks up in each category.