Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Knowledge Center for Agriculture Solutions | Koch Agronomic Services
Field Notes Podcast: Cation Exchange Capacity Explained
The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) will break down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Crop science experts and others in the agriculture industry will discuss topics ranging from nitrogen loss and soil health to ways growers can increase operational efficiencies.

In this episode, we’ll debunk another myth with the help of Koch Agronomic Services. Listen and learn about soil cation exchange capacity, or CEC, and its impact on nitrogen management. Koch’s technical agronomist Derek Rapp and senior agronomist Edwin Suarez discuss what you need to know about soil CEC, the common misconceptions growers have and why knowing your CEC number is a critical component for growers as they develop their nitrogen management plan.

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The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (Koch) will break down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Crop science experts and others in the agriculture industry will discuss topics ranging from nitrogen loss and soil health to ways growers can increase operational efficiencies.
Article Categories: Nitrogen Loss, Field Notes, US, CANADA, Podcast
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While soil CEC is a critical component for soil, there are common misconceptions when it comes to its relationship with nutrients. To understand the relationship between soil CEC and nutrients, we need to understand the chemistry behind the soil and the nutrients found or applied to the soil.