This can be an issue for growers because phosphorus is needed for energy storage and transfer and is vital for early vigorous growth. It also helps stimulate root and tiller development, assists in disease resistance, promotes reproduction and accumulates in the seed for future use.
Identifying a Phosphorus Deficiency
With the importance of these functions, it is easy to see how a phosphorus deficiency could be detrimental to a grower’s overall yield. To determine if a crop is deficient in phosphorus, watch for these symptoms:
Browned leaves or leaves tinged with purple, bronze or red.
Stunted leaves where the growth is underdeveloped.
Delayed or poor root growth.
Leaves thicken and become stiff and dry.
Older and lower leaves are affected first.
How to Increase Plant-Available Phosphorus Levels
The two factors that influence the amount of phosphorus available for plant uptake are, the amount of phosphorus in the labile pool and the relative insolubility of the element. Bacillus spp., the bioactives in SYNTHOS® nutrient enhancer, can help improve the solubilization of phosphorus fertilizer into plant-available forms, allowing increased nutrient uptake.
SYNTHOS, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) product, has a unique formulation containing five specific strains of Bacillus in the form of colony-forming spores. These bacteria colonize the crop’s roots, or rhizosphere, and produces organic acids and enzymes. This improves the solubilization of phosphorus fertilizer into forms accessible to the plant, releasing bound nutrients. The bacteria also produces growth metabolites that promote a more robust root system, therefore improving nutrient and water access and optimizing the crop’s growth. So how does this process work?
How Bacillus Helps Optimize Phosphorus Uptake
Learn More
To learn more about SYNTHOS or
Bacillus Spp. contact a
Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) representative and see how SYNTHOS is a must have for any operation whose soil is facing a phosphorus deficiency.